Making his marks: Norman Ackroyd CBE ~ Artist and South Leeds lad
Watching the BBC programme What Do Artists Do All Day? on artist Norman Ackroyd recently you might have been intrigued to hear a mention of his South Leeds roots
Watching the BBC programme What Do Artists Do All Day? on artist Norman Ackroyd recently you might have been intrigued to hear a mention of his South Leeds roots
Taking inspiration from Chihura Shiota’s amazing creation ‘Beyond Time’ in
Scrapbooking Rosa Nguyen’s ‘Working with Morris’, winner of the John Ruskin Prize 2017 Loved this piece in Sheffield Millenium Gallery’s ‘Master of all Trades’ Ruskin show – ceramics, glass, natural plant stems, wallpapers, collage and print. Beautiful piece in itself, and casting interesting shadows. Rosa Nguyen’s website: ‘Working with Morris’ (detail)…