Winter/Spring timetables

The new Northern timetables for the Leeds-Settle-Carlisle railway line and the Leeds-Morecambe railway line through Bentham are now available. Dec 2016 – May 2017. Both feature my work. A snap on the beach at Morecambe’s brilliant Catch The Wind Kite Festival last year, and a walk by the weir on the River Eden in Armathwaite. Nice to share…

A Dale that Died?

  Grisedale I’ve wanted to explore Grisedale for a long time. A three mile long cul-de-sac dale, which sits over the other side of Low Moor ridge at Garsdale Head, beneath Baugh Fell. Garsdale, Sedbergh, Ravenstonedale, and Mallerstang are its closest neighbouring dales. My first attempt to explore had been thwarted by water